Non-Surgical Shoulder Pain Treatment: Regenerative Shoulder Pain Therapy

Afecciones tratadas > Tratamiento del dolor de hombro

Have you been told that you need surgery to ease your chronic shoulder pain and be able to resume using it? Fortunately, medicina regenerativa offers a viable alternative to shoulder surgery. Regenerative tratamiento del dolor de hombro delivers:

  • Relief of shoulder pain
  • Restoration of shoulder function
  • Improvement of range of motion

Before accepting the risks of shoulder surgery — or worse, resigning yourself to a life limited by pain — explore the promise of alivio del dolor de hombro through regenerative therapy. It is our goal to help you resume the activities you love, free from pain and sin surgery.

What is Regenerative Shoulder Pain Therapy?

Regenerativo shoulder pain treatments work con your body to relieve pain and increase functionality. Biologic therapies are customized to each patient to address the source of their shoulder pain. The treatments essentially:

  • Harness the body’s natural healing mechanisms
  • Provide support and cellular building blocks necessary for tissue repair
  • Direct the self-repair mechanisms to the source of your shoulder pain

Nuestra regenerative shoulder pain treatments relieve your pain and improve joint functionality without the drawbacks related to surgery. Regenerative pain relief requiere:

  • Sin daño tisular adicional
  • No added pain
  • No development of scar tissue
  • No narcotics
  • No risks of complications
  • No risk of post-traumatic arthritis
  • Sin una recuperación larga y dolorosa

Before you undergo the rotator cuff repair, joint replacement, or labrum repair your surgeon recommends, consider regenerative non-surgical shoulder repair.

Return to Your Favorite Activities Without Shoulder Surgery

What cherished activities has unrelenting shoulder pain taken from you? Do you miss tennis or swimming? Can you no longer play your musical instrument? Or is it that you can no longer lift a beloved child or get a decent night’s sleep?

El regenerador de QC Kinetix tratamiento del dolor de hombro can help you regain the activities you love without the risks of surgery. Of course, shoulder pain and surgery have broader impacts beyond physical costs. Chronic pain often leads to isolation, poor sleep, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Regenerative non-surgical shoulder treatment can help you to reclaim your life from shoulder pain.

Exploring Shoulder Pain

Dolor de hombro primarily results from injury, repetitive stress, or degenerative conditions:

  • Rotator Cuff Tear
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoartritis (OA)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
  • Tendinitis
  • Labral Tear
  • Shoulder Impingement
  • Shoulder Dislocation
  • Fracturas
  • Torn Ligament

Traditionally, there were just three approaches to shoulder pain relief: surgery, steroid injections, or “pain management” using narcotic painkillers. However, each of these solutions leaves patients wanting something better. At long last, regenerative shoulder pain treatment delivers.

While patients are thrilled to find regenerative alivio del dolor de hombro lasts far longer than steroids and requires no prescription meds, it is avoiding the problems of surgery that make the biggest impact. They embrace pain relief and improved joint function with:


    • No added tissue damage
    • No increased pain
    • Sin anestesia
    • Sin riesgo de complicaciones
    • Sin drogas
    • No loss of work
    • Sin tejido cicatricial

Are You a Candidate for Regenerative Shoulder Treatment?

Regenerative therapy is a highly effective non-surgical shoulder treatment in most cases. But sometimes, surgery is necessary. The best way to learn whether you are a good candidate is to programe su consulta gratuita. We will meet with you to evaluate what regenerative medicine can do for you and to answer all your questions.

Consider these factors that can make regenerative tratamiento del dolor de hombro a good choice for you:

  • You experience chronic shoulder pain
  • Your pain has not responded well to other treatments
  • You want to avoid shoulder surgery
  • You want surgery but are not a good candidate
  • You are anxious to avoid narcotics
  • You cannot take so much time off work


If you see yourself in any of these concerns, we look forward to meeting you to see how our regenerative shoulder repair without surgery can work for you. 

Benefits of Non-Surgical Shoulder Treatments

The benefits of regenerative non-surgical shoulder treatments can be immense. Imagine resolving your shoulder pain and regaining use of the joint without taking time off work, added pain, narcotics, risk of complications, or a lengthy (and painful) recovery.

Menos invasivo

Shoulder surgery is an invasive procedure that requires general anesthesia. The surgeon cuts through skin, fascia, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and sometimes bone to repair damaged tissues, which can cause pain and increase the risk of infections, blood clots, and post-traumatic arthritis. Regenerative shoulder pain treatments do not require anesthesia and cause no additional tissue damage.

Recuperación más rápida

Did you know that the lengthy recovery following surgery is all about healing the damage done by the surgery? After all, you had pain going in but were still able to work and dress yourself. It is the tissue damage during surgery that requires recovery:


  • Hospital Stay: Typically, outpatient or 1-day in-patient 
  • Transitioning from Opioids to Milder Painkillers:  Typically, after the first week
  • Wearing a sling: Usually 2-6 weeks, depending upon type of surgery 
  • Return to Work: 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on type of work 
  • Discontinue Painkillers:  Typically, 4-8 weeks
  • Resumption of Full Activity:  Typically, 4-6 months, longer for strenuous activity

Con regenerative shoulder pain relief, you won’t have to miss a day of work.

Menores riesgos

The inherent risks of shoulder surgery include:

  • Excess bleeding
  • Coágulos sanguíneos
  • Infecciones
  • Daño nervioso
  • Stiffening of the joint (frozen shoulder)
  • Damage to blood vessels disrupting blood flow to the shoulder
  • Cartilage damage
  • Joint instability
  • Artritis postraumática
  • Implant failure (for shoulder replacement)
  • Cicatrización
  • Neumonía 

Con regeneración tratamiento del dolor de hombro, there is a risk of fatigue for a day or two.

Calidad de vida

Of course, surgery, like regenerative
treatment for shoulder pain, intends to provide:

  • Shoulder pain relief
  • Restoration of shoulder function
  • Mejora de la amplitud de movimiento
  • Return to normal activities

These benefits would surely improve your quality of life. But with surgery, there is a tremendous amount of pain, risk, and recovery required before you can hope to gain any of these benefits.

Éxitos reales

Watch as QC Kinetix® patients share testimonials about their experiences with regenerative shoulder pain treatments

One of our previous patients is a businessman who could not take time away from his business for shoulder surgery. He says QC Kinetix “ solved all of my problems, and I didn’t miss a beat. Not one day of work missed!” He’s delighted that his regenerative treatments allowed him to achieve personal bests in the gym. “I feel incredible – I have no limits.”

Noel came in with “horrible right shoulder pain” that kept him from his work, exercise, or even sleeping. After his first treatment, he says, “Within 48 hours, I was already more active.” “Now I’m doing the same things, if not better than before!” Now, he’s even throwing batting practice for his son, which was unthinkable before his treatment. 

How to Get Started with Regenerative Shoulder Therapy

Getting started with regenerative shoulder pain treatments is simple:

  1. Schedule your free consultation at your Control de calidad local Kinetix
  2. Bring all your medical records and questions
  3. Learn what to expect from QC Kinetix

QC Kinetix

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*Por favor permita 30-60 minutos de tiempo asignado para reunirse con un especialista para determinar si usted es un candidato para nuestros servicios. Los exámenes están incluidos y son gratuitos.

Elija la medicina regenerativa de QC Kinetix para el dolor de hombro

No deje que el dolor de hombro siga limitando su vida. Encuentre su clínica local QC Kinetix para programar su consulta gratuita hoy mismo, y no dude en Contacto con cualquier pregunta.

Alivio del dolor de hombro Testimonios

Conozca lo que nuestros pacientes han experimentado
su terapia regenerativa del dolor de hombro.

Comprender Dolor de hombro

La gente también pregunta (FAQs)

¿Cómo puedo saber si el dolor de hombro es grave?
Aunque el dolor de hombro puede ser a menudo síntoma de una lesión o distensión leve, ciertos signos indican que podría tratarse de un problema más grave. Si el dolor de hombro va acompañado de fiebre, hinchazón o enrojecimiento, puede ser síntoma de una infección o de una lesión grave que requiere atención médica inmediata. Del mismo modo, si tiene dificultades para mover el hombro o el dolor persiste durante más de dos o cuatro semanas, puede ser señal de una afección más grave, como una rotura del tendón o una inflamación crónica. Una hinchazón notable o el enrojecimiento o azulamiento de la piel también pueden indicar un problema más grave. Si experimenta alguno de estos síntomas, es importante que acuda rápidamente al médico.
¿Cuál es la causa más frecuente del dolor de hombro?
Aunque el dolor de hombro puede deberse a diversas afecciones, la causa más común suele estar relacionada con los tendones del manguito rotador. Estos tendones pueden quedar atrapados bajo la parte ósea del hombro, lo que provoca inflamación, dolor y limitación de la movilidad. Esta afección suele darse en personas que realizan con frecuencia movimientos por encima de la cabeza, como ciertos deportes o tareas ocupacionales.
¿Cuánto duran los tratamientos naturales contra el dolor de hombros?
Los tratamientos naturales del dolor, como la medicina regenerativa para el dolor de hombro, pueden tardar semanas o meses en ofrecer los máximos resultados. La reparación de los tejidos puede durar hasta nueve meses con un solo tratamiento. El alivio del dolor de hombro puede durar años: algunos pacientes pueden beneficiarse de por vida.
¿Funcionan los tratamientos naturales para el dolor de hombro?

Sí, nuestros tratamientos naturales son muy eficaces. Funcionan estimulando la capacidad inherente del cuerpo para la restauración y la reducción de la inflamación. Aunque los efectos de los tratamientos naturales para el dolor de hombro pueden tardar unas semanas en notarse, la reducción del dolor y la mejora de la amplitud de movimiento se desarrollan a medida que las reparaciones del cuerpo dan lugar a articulaciones más sanas y fuertes.

Para más información sobre nuestra medicina regenerativa, consulte nuestro Sección FAQ y nuestro blog de medicina regenerativa.

No dejes que el dolor te impida actuar Las cosas que te gustan
