


Support Center Hours

Monday through Friday
8am to 9pm EST

9am to 8pm EST

9am to 5pm EST

Clinic Hours May Vary depending on location


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QC Kinetix

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*Please allow 30-60 minutes of allotted time to meet with a specialist to determine if you are a candidate for our services. Exams are included and are complimentary.


Learn what our patients have experienced with
their regenerative knee pain therapy.

"When I had my interview with Dr. Murphy she asked what my goals were. My response was I just wanted to walk like a normal person without the knee and accompanying back pain. My knee pain had been chronic for years. Sometimes it would feel better and then he pain would flare again. The use of anti inflammatory medications gave me temporary relief but the continuous use of the impacted my kidney function. The back pain which I suspect was inflammation from compensating for my bad knee went away after the first treatment never to return. After four treatments I am walking like a real person. No longer do I need the assistance of a cane nor do I have to plan my moves in advance. I just get up and walk. Dr. Murphy, in our conversation, indicated that the Creator has given our bodies the tools we need to heal. The kind staff at QC Kinetix uses the healing gifts of our own body to achieve amazing results. I am very pleased with the results and can't say enough good words about the kindness and caring of the staff. If you are suffering with pain you owe it to yourself to pay them a visit."
Jim C.
"I cannot say enough! Last hurts so bad, driving or riding in a car was torture. I had to take the elevator to get up to work every day. Also limiting any outdoor , activities Thanks to QC Kinetix , I started feeling a difference after my second or third shot. I can run up the stairs drive as far as I want to without pain do all outdoor activities again. I thank the wonderful, nice kind staff that I got to see on each appointment. The best thing is that I had no downtime . Thank you so much again!
Lori S.
"The team here is awesome! I met with Cat who explained everything so well and answered all my questions. Dr Murphy also was a breath of fresh air. I’ve had 2 treatments so far for my knees and am already feeling and walking better. Thinking about adding my back in as well. Excited for the next few treatments and to see even more improvement. Highly recommend, it is definitely worth it"
Isabella T.













