Non-Surgical Hip Pain Treatment: Regenerative Hip Pain Therapy

Conditions Treated > Hip Pain Treatment

If chronic hip pain limits your activities, you may have been told you need surgery to find relief and resume an active lifestyle. Hip surgery is a daunting prospect, requiring a lengthy and painful recovery with the risk of complications. But there is another option. QC Kinetix’s regenerative treatments for hip pain offer an exciting alternative to hip surgery.

As a non-surgical hip repair, regenerative medicine seeks to accomplish:

  • Lasting relief from hip pain
  • Increased range of motion
  • Improved functionality of the hip joint

Perhaps most importantly, we intend our alternatives to hip surgery to improve your quality of life.

What is Regenerative Hip Pain Therapy?

Regenerative hip pain therapy customizes biologic treatments to the individual patient, targeting the source of their hip pain. The treatments leverage the body’s innate healing mechanisms to relieve hip pain relief without surgery. Essentially, we leverage your body’s ability to heal and repair its own tissues, then guide it to focus on the damage that causes you pain.

Regenerative treatments for hip pain may seem too good to be true because they can resolve your pain without the downsides of surgery. Unlike surgery, pain relief through regenerative medicine requires:

  • No additional damage to your body
  • No additional pain
  • No scar tissue buildup
  • No drugs
  • No risk of complications
  • No lengthy and painful recovery

Yet regenerative hip pain therapy and surgery actually have a lot in common. Both approaches rely on the body to heal its damaged tissues. It’s just that surgery causes additional damage and pain before the body heals. 

Return to Your Favorite Activities, Without Hip Surgery

Remember the things you loved doing before your hip pain stopped you? Whether playing golf or tennis, hiking, biking, dancing, or just getting out there and participating in life — imagine getting it back without surgery. When daily activities such as bathing and dressing have become a painful chore, it may be hard to imagine taking up your favorite hobbies again. But that is the goal of QC Kinetix regenerative therapy for hip pain

Regenerative medicine is a powerful alternative to hip surgery that can relieve your pain so you can resume daily activities and get back to the life you love. The boon to your physical health is immense, as you could renew your active lifestyle, but don’t overlook the the emotional and mental benefits. Warding off depression and remaining positive is challenging when pain controls your options. But when you can dance again, when you can move, and play, and hug your loved ones again without pain, the world becomes so much brighter.

Exploring Hip Pain

There are many possible causes of chronic hip pain, including:

  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Hip impingement
  • Hip fracture
  • Labral tears
  • Ligament injuries
  • Pinched nerves
  • Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Fibromyalgia

and more. Essentially, they fall into one of three categories: sudden injury, repetitive stress, and degenerative conditions like arthritis. Due to anatomical and hormonal differences, more women than men struggle with hip pain. Traditionally, hip surgery or a life of “pain management” were the only options for someone suffering from chronic hip pain. 

Managing pain through medication has left millions of Americans addicted without ever resolving the pain. Physical therapy can strengthen healthy muscles, tendons, and ligaments to help support the damaged ones but does nothing to restore the damaged tissues. Surgery is used as the last resort due to the following disadvantages:

  • Causes additional tissue damage
  • Causes additional pain
  • Creates scar tissue
  • Requires pharmaceutical painkillers
  • Requires extensive and painful healing process
  • Risks complications and infections

Today, regenerative medicine offers many patients a viable, drug-free alternative to hip surgery.

Are You a Candidate for Regenerative Hip Treatment?

In some cases, hip surgery is necessary.

In many, or even most, cases, regenerative medicine is a viable alternative to hip surgery. It can relieve your pain, boost your function, and restore your range of motion so you can return to the life you love.

The best way to learn whether you’re a candidate for regenerative treatments for hip pain is to come in for your free consultation at your local QC Kinetix. Our friendly medical staff will review your medical records and answer all your questions.

Until your free consultation, consider the following to see whether you might benefit from regenerative non-surgical hip repair. Do you have:

  • Chronic hip pain that has not responded well to conventional treatments.
  • Moderate to severe Osteoarthritis
  • Desire to return to more activity
  • Early-stage hip degeneration
  • Desire to avoid the pain and potential complications of surgery

If any of these describe you, we look forward to meeting with you to explore our regenerative alternatives to hip surgery.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Hip Treatments

There are multiple benefits to our regenerative hip pain treatments without surgery.

Less Invasive

The invasive nature of hip surgery is a major drawback. It requires general anesthesia so the surgeon can cut through skin, muscle, tendons, ligaments, and sometimes bone. Considerable damage is done to these tissues, resulting in scar tissue, lasting pain, and the likelihood of arthritis developing in the surgical site. The risks of infection, blood clots, and complications are very real and must be guarded again. The recovery time is lengthy and painful, often requiring physical therapy.

At QC Kinetix, regenerative alternatives to hip surgery bypass every one of these concerns.

Faster Recovery

Hip surgery causes major trauma to the body, requiring extensive recovery:

  • Hospital Stay: Typically 1-4 days
  • Transitioning from Opioids to Milder Painkillers: Typically, after the first week
  • Requiring Walker or Cane: Typically 1-4 weeks
  • Return to Work: Typically 6-12 weeks
  • Discontinue Painkillers: Typically 3-4 months
  • Resumption of Full Activity: Typically 6-12 months

With our regenerative alternatives to hip surgery, there is no need for painkillers or missing a day of work.

Lower Risks

The risks of hip surgery include:

  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Stiffening joint
  • Pneumonia
  • Post-traumatic arthritis

The primary risk with regenerative medicine is slight fatigue for a couple of days.

Quality of Life

Surely, the goals of hip surgery and regenerative alternatives to hip surgery are the same:

  • Relief of hip pain
  • Restoration of hip function
  • Improvement of range of motion
  • Resumption of normal activities and hobbies

All of this adds up to improving your quality of life. It’s just that recovering from the burdens hip surgery places on your body requires the better part of a year to reach the stage you experienced before the surgery.

It’s essential to consider the risks of hip surgery, particularly for elderly patients. QC Kinetix offers a gentler approach. Our minimally invasive regenerative therapy can deliver genuine hip pain relief and improved mobility without further injuring the site.

Real-World Success Stories

Learn from QC Kinetix hip pain patients how regenerative alternatives to hip surgery resolved their pain and transformed their lives. Mr. Green’s hips were bone-on-bone, and he was told he needed surgery to replace both hips. But after just four months with regenerative medicine, he ditched his cane for good.

How to Get Started with Regenerative Hip Therapy

Getting started with regenerative hip pain treatment without surgery is simple:

  1. Schedule your free consultation at your local QC Kinetix
  2. Bring your medical records and all your questions
  3. Learn what to expect from QC Kinetix

When you’re ready to experience genuine relief from hip pain without surgery or drugs, call QC Kinetix. 

QC Kinetix

Get Started with QC Kinetix

*Fill out the form below, and an expert will reach out to you shortly. All fields must be completed.

*Please allow 30-60 minutes of allotted time to meet with a specialist to determine if you are a candidate for our services. Exams are included and are complimentary.

Choose QC Kinetix for Regenerative Hip Pain Relief

We look forward to easing your pain and helping you to recover your mobility with our regenerative treatments. When you’re ready to experience true hip pain relief, schedule a free consultation with QC Kinetix. Let’s get you back to living your best life!

Hip Pain Relief Testimonials

Learn what our patients have experienced with
their regenerative shoulder pain therapy.

Hip Pain Relief and Alternative Treatments

People Also Ask (FAQs)

What are the red flags of hip pain?

Red flags with hip pain include:

  • A history of trauma to the hip
  • Persistent pain that worsens during the night
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fever
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Prolonged use of corticosteroids
  • Hip pain accompanied by pain in the thigh, groin, back, or buttocks

If you have any of these symptoms or sudden or intense hip pain, you should seek immediate medical attention.

What is the number one cause of hip pain?

Many conditions can cause hip pain, but the number one cause is arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This condition inflames the hip joint and wears away the cartilage that cushions your hip bones, causing severe pain, limiting your range of motion, and creating stiffness in your hip.

Does regenerative medicine work on hips?

Regenerative medicine is highly effective at producing genuine hip pain reliefRegenerative biologic therapies stimulate the body’s natural repair mechanisms and direct them to the site of your pain to relieve discomfort, restore function, and improve your range of motion. It has proven successful in treating various types of hip pain, including arthritis and injuries, offering a promising alternative to invasive surgery.

What is regenerative cell therapy for hips?

Regenerative therapy for hips is a breakthrough treatment that taps into the body’s innate healing mechanism. QC Kinetix’s natural biologic and autologous therapies stimulate the body’s repair mechanisms, training them on the damaged tissues. Our regenerative therapies work to repair damage, reduce pain, and rebuild function.

Regenerative cell therapy has proven highly effective for improving mobility and relieving hip pain.

Don’t Let The Pain Stop You From Doing The Things You Love!