


Horario del Centro de asistencia

De lunes a viernes
De 8.00 a 21.00 h EST

De 9 a 20 h EST

De 9 a 17 h EST

El horario de la clínica puede variar según la ubicación


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QC Kinetix

Póngase en contacto con nosotros para hablar con un experto

*Rellene el siguiente formulario y un experto se pondrá en contacto con usted. Todos los campos son obligatorios.

*Por favor permita 30-60 minutos de tiempo asignado para reunirse con un especialista para determinar si usted es un candidato para nuestros servicios. Los exámenes están incluidos y son gratuitos.


Conozca lo que nuestros pacientes han experimentado
su terapia regenerativa para el dolor de rodilla.

"Love my results. I was scheduled for right knee replacement surgery. Decided to try QC Kinetix and see if I was a good candidate. Glad I did. Surgery meant many activity restrictions. I can now golf 5 days a week, walk my dog 2 miles daily with no pain. Back to working out 5 days a week. I recommend QC Kinetix to everyone. It feels great to be back to unlimited activities."
Marla C.
"I feel, that I am not at the point where I wanted to be, by this stage of treatment, but I have seen a significant change in hip mobility and pain. Before I had started the QC Kinetix hip treatment, I had to painfully struggle, when I would attempt to step out of my car. I would have to very slowly try to get from the driver sitting position to the standing position and meanwhile in a very painful stance, and wait until my hip/inner thigh sharp-pain would subside and adjust and then allow me to continue to walk and move forward. And now, after a few months into the my hip treatment, I am now able to practically hop out of the drivers seat, and continue to walk, almost as before my hip pain had started 3 years prior."
David D.
"The staff was very friendly and helpful. The doctor was great. She explained every move from start to finish. They all made me believe in this process and they were right. I have a lot more motion and I can bend my knees almost all the way back. Thank you is not enough in way of saying how much I appreciate everything they have done for me."
Lova H.














