What Does a Hair Transplant Cost & Is It Your Best Option?

Are you one of the 80 million American men and women who suffer from hair loss? If so, you may be in search of an effective way to regain your mane. Surgery is one option, but is it the right option for you? Let’s take a look at what’s involved in a hair transplant, including hair transplant cost and what alternatives exist.

Hair Loss Statistics

You aren’t alone. Hair loss is a very common issue for both men and women. By age 35, more than two-thirds of men will experience some level of balding. And according to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 40% of women have visible hair loss by the time they are 40 years old.

The reasons behind hair loss are many, including heredity, hormone imbalance, autoimmune disease, cancer, or stress.

Hair Transplant Cost

Hair transplants are not an inexpensive solution. The investment can be quite pricey. Generally, hair transplant price ranges are highly variable and can cost upwards of $15,000. Most insurance companies consider a hair transplant a cosmetic procedure, so these costs are usually all out of pocket.

Types of Hair Transplants

There are two types of hair transplants — Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

With FUE, each individual hair follicle is harvested from the scalp. The hair follicles are removed in a random fashion, allowing your physician to harvest hair from the donor area with less noticeable thinning of the area.

The FUT method involves the removal of a long, thin piece of tissue from the back of the scalp. This leaves behind a linear scar. Individual hair follicles are dissected from the strip and then inserted into balding areas of the scalp.

These procedures can take between four to eight hours – and even longer if you need a large amount of hair transplanted.

Hair Transplant Alternative: Regenerative Medicine *

Regenerative medicine is a type of treatment that uses the body’s own natural biologics to repair or replace damaged tissue, and recent studies have shown that regenerative medicine can also be effective for treating hair loss.

Whether you’re suffering from hair thinning, alopecia, male/female pattern baldness, or another type of hair loss, regenerative medicine may be the solution you’re looking for.

Regenerative treatments for hair loss typically involve harvesting your own biologic substances and injecting them into the scalp. This can stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

There are many benefits of hair restoration through regenerative medicine – the main benefit, especially for those nervous to go under the knife, is that there is no surgery necessary. This means no down time. In fact, an appointment lasts about an hour.

Patients usually see hair growth within two to four months, which is much quicker than it takes for hair transplant grafts to reintegrate.

The use of regenerative medicine to restore hair growth will also give you the most natural results since it stimulates your existing hair follicles in their natural pattern.

Hair Transplant Recovery and Complications

After the surgery, your scalp will be very tender, and you will be required to wear bandages for several days. You may need to take pain medications for several days.

As with any kind of surgery, transplants have some risks, including bleeding and infection. There’s also the chance for numbness, scarring, and unnatural-looking new hair growth.

Other complications include inflammation or an infection of the hair follicles, called folliculitis. It’s also possible to suddenly lose some of the newly implanted hair. This is called shock loss.

Unexpected Hair Transplant Cost

You should know that a hair transplant is not always a one-and-done type of procedure. In some cases, you may need multiple procedures to get your desired result. You will need to pay for each procedure separately.

You should also factor the price of recovery into a hair transplant cost analysis. You will need to purchase pain medication to help you ease the discomfort from the surgery itself, anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling, and antibiotics to cut down on the risk of infection. It’s worth noting, while the procedure itself is not covered by insurance, the medications prescribed will mostly likely be covered by insurance and will not be a costly out of pocket expense.

Grow Hair with QC Kinetix


QC Kinetix implements an exclusive protocol created by our team of highly skilled physicians designed to bring hair follicles back to life and possibly help you avoid going under the knife.

This custom hair restoration package is multifaceted as it works with the many different contributing factors of hair loss.

The protocol can increase both the depth and the quality of the layer of skin where the hair follicle grows, and promote cells in the scalp to produce new, healthier follicles. It can also trigger the sebaceous glands for silkier-looking hair and increase melanin production.

Click here to request an appointment at a QC Kinetix location near you.

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