Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatments: Regenerative Knee Pain Therapy

Conditions Treated > Knee Pain

When you suffer from unrelenting knee pain, it can seem like surgery is your only option to resume the lifestyle you love. But there are regenerative alternatives to knee surgery that can provide:

  • Lasting knee pain relief
  • Improved range of motion
  • Restored functionality of the knee joint

Regenerative medicine offers exciting promise for those with knee pain. Imagine the value of knee repair without surgery. What would it mean to be able to resolve your knee function and resume your favorite activities without the pain and risks involved in knee surgery? 

Meniscus Tear Treatment

ACL Tear Repair Without Surgery

Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment

What is Regenerative Knee Pain Therapy?

Regenerative knee pain treatments without surgery skips doing additional damage to your joint and cartilage and goes straight to the healing. QC Kinetix® customizes biologic therapies for each patient, to stimulate their body’s innate abilities to repair and restore its own tissues. We then guide the self-healing mechanisms and train them to focus on the source of the patient’s pain.

Regenerative knee treatment without surgery can alleviate your pain without:

  • Doing additional damage to the tissues of your knee
  • Risking the complications of surgery
  • Experiencing additional pain
  • Building up scar tissue
  • Developing post-traumatic arthritis
  • Taking opioids
  • Missing work

Consider regenerative alternatives to knee surgery before you have the meniscectomy, lateral release, or knee replacement your surgeon advises.

Return to Your Favorite Activities Without Knee Surgery

Remember life before the constraints of knee pain? Maybe you loved traveling, playing golf, tennis, surfing, or dancing. Chronic knee pain robs us of our favorite pastimes and makes daily activities like bathing and dressing a painful chore. 

QC Kinetix’s regenerative alternatives to knee surgery can help you regain your lost lifestyle.

Regenerative knee pain solutions support mental and emotional health just as vitally as reclaiming physical well-being. Chronic pain wears you down physically, mentally, and emotionally, often leaving people feeling isolated and alone. Non-surgical regenerative pain relief broadens your horizons and lets in the sunshine again.

Exploring Knee Pain

There are many potential causes of chronic knee pain, including:

  • Bursitis
  • Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Gout
  • Meniscus tear
  • Torn ligament
  • Tendonitis
  • Torn cartilage
  • ACL injury

Whatever sent you seeking medical care for knee pain, it is likely due to either an injury, repetitive stress, or a degenerative condition such as arthritis. Traditionally, steroid injections and surgery were the go-to solutions for chronic knee pain. 

Today, many patients and doctors are eager to avoid the drawbacks of knee surgery, including:

  • Additional tissue damage
  • Greater pain
  • Anesthesia
  • Risks of surgical complications
  • Reliance on painkillers
  • Lengthy and painful recovery
  • Loss of work 

Regenerative therapies provide successful alternatives to knee surgery.

Are You a Candidate for Regenerative Knee Treatment?

The best way to discover whether you’re a candidate for regenerative knee repair without surgery is to come in for your free consultation at your local QC Kinetix. We meet with you, review your medical records, answer all your questions, and conduct a thorough examination.

Factors that make you a good candidate for regenerative alternatives to knee surgery include:

  • You experience chronic knee pain
  • Your pain is the result of injury, repetitive stress, or joint degeneration
  • You want to avoid knee replacement surgery
  • You may not be a good candidate for surgery
  • The extensive recovery from surgery would be a hardship for you
  • Pharmaceutical painkillers are a risk for you

If any of these circumstances describe you, we look forward to meeting with you to learn how regenerative non-surgical knee repair can resolve your pain.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Knee Treatments

The benefits of regenerative non-surgical knee pain treatments are enormous. They represent the upsides of knee surgery without the hospital stay, loss of work, added pain, risk of complications, and lengthy recovery.

Less Invasive

Knee surgery typically requires general anesthesia while the surgeon cuts through healthy skin to manipulate muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The damage done to these tissues in the effort to restore them causes additional pain, risks infections and blood clots, and can cause the later development of post-traumatic arthritis at the surgical site. 

Regenerative alternatives to knee surgery skip all of this, going straight to resolving your pain.

Faster Recovery

Knee surgery causes significant trauma to the body, which requires a lengthy recovery:

  • Hospital Stay: Typically 1-3 days
  • Transitioning from Opioids to Milder Painkillers: Typically, after the first week
  • Requiring Walker or Cane: Typically 1-10 weeks
  • Return to Work: Typically 6-8 weeks
  • Discontinue Painkillers: Typically 4-12 weeks
  • Resumption of Full Activity: Typically 3-12 months

There is no need to miss a single day of work with regenerative knee pain treatment without surgery.

Lower Risks

The inherent medical risks with knee surgery include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Nerve damage
  • Infections
  • Stiffening of the joint
  • Nerve damage
  • Pneumonia
  • Post-traumatic arthritis

The primary risk associated with regenerative medicine is fatigue for one to two days.

Quality of Life

Both knee surgery and regenerative knee pain therapy intend to improve your quality of life. Both aim to resolve your pain, improve your mobility, and get you back to the activities you love. It’s just that surgery first significantly impairs that quality, significantly worsening your day-to-day experience for months before you experience the benefits. With regenerative medicine treatments, your current condition does not get worse. It only improves.

Real-World Success Stories

Learn directly from QC Kinetix patients’ testimonials about their experience with regenerative alternatives to knee surgery. Bobby Shealy went from being hardly able to walk or climb stairs to dancing in just four months with QC Kinetix.

How to Get Started with Regenerative Knee Therapy

Are you ready to resolve your knee pain without surgery? Getting started with regenerative therapy for knee pain is simple:

  1. Schedule your free consultation at your local QC Kinetix
  2. Bring your medical records and all your questions
  3. Learn what to expect from QC Kinetix

It’s time to reclaim your life from unrelenting knee pain without surgery or drugs. It’s time to call QC Kinetix!

QC Kinetix

Get Started with QC Kinetix

*Fill out the form below, and an expert will reach out to you shortly. All fields must be completed.

*Please allow 30-60 minutes of allotted time to meet with a specialist to determine if you are a candidate for our services. Exams are included and are complimentary.

QC Kinetix for Knee Pain
Surgery Alternatives

At QC Kinetix, we provide natural regenerative knee pain therapy that activates your body’s natural ability to renew its tissues. Our goal is to harness this incredible power and guide it so you experience genuine pain relief.

Our regenerative therapies help to alleviate knee pain and revitalize injured bones, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons. We develop a customized plan of treatment based on your underlying cause of knee pain, the pain severity, and your overall health. Regenerative therapies help reduce inflammation, result in faster recovery and decreased overall knee pain, and are a good alternative for knee replacements.

Knee Pain Relief Testimonials

Learn what our patients have experienced with
their regenerative knee pain therapy.

Don’t Let The Pain Stop You From Doing The Things You Love!