


Support Center Hours

Monday through Friday
8am to 9pm EST

9am to 8pm EST

9am to 5pm EST

Clinic Hours May Vary depending on location


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QC Kinetix

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*Please allow 30-60 minutes of allotted time to meet with a specialist to determine if you are a candidate for our services. Exams are included and are complimentary.


Learn what our patients have experienced with
their regenerative knee pain therapy.

"I am extremely happy with the results I received, I consider it a miracle! I completed my treatment June 20, 2023. I'm 67 years old woman with 43+ years as an R.N., my body went through much wear and tear. I had a spinal fusion in 1999 which was successful, but I knew over time I could have some issues. Two years ago I started having extreme pain in my hips, knees and feet. I would come home from work go to bed with ice packs on my knees and cried, I used a cane to get around the house. I only used my Tylenol extra strength for work, fearing I would take too much. My hips were painful too, couldn't sleep well. This was no way to live. I had a hard time walking at work, I could no longer walk my dog, I didn't have much of a social life. I didn't want multiple pain meds or surgery. My husband called QC Kinetix to make an appointment for me in November of 2022, and my journey began. Staff was attentive, explained everything so I felt at ease. I received treatment for my back and also both knees. Over time I noticed a gradual improvement of my symptoms. I started walking my dog again, I used less over the counter pain meds. Within weeks after my treatment was completed, we downsized and moved to a different home. I was able to pack up and move 40 years of life a lot of stuff. I was able to clean the 5,000 sq ft house we moved out of, including the windows! Packed up and organized for the July moving day. Then came organizing the new home (half the size)! I had NO pain other than muscle soreness!! I felt young again to be able to move with ease without pain. My hips didn't hurt so I could sleep, my knees didn't hurt and could walk and use stairs! Even my chronic foot pain was dissolving. I remain amazed, no surgery, no meds. QC Kinetix worked for me, improved my quality of life. I can walk, bend, kneel and climb steps again. My husband and I have retired and are now traveling. Don't put it off any longer, get an evaluation and get started. Get your life back! Thank you staff at QC Kinetix of Mequon, Wisconsin!"
Dolly S.













