Arthritis Pain Relief in Midtown
Little Rock > Midtown > Arthritis Pain Treatments
Midtown is nestled in the heart of Little Rock, with attractions like the Big Dam Bridge and Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts nearby. We are also close to all the outdoor adventures, from hiking and biking to rock climbing and kayaking. When painful arthritis keeps you from exploration and fun, it is time to seek arthritis pain relief in Midtown.
QC Kinetix (Midtown) offers biologic therapies for persistent arthritis pain that can:
- Reduce soreness and stiffness
- Restore range of motion
- Improve flexibility and mobility
Arthritis Pain Causes
There are different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but all have painful joints in common. Joint pain associated with arthritis occurs for many reasons:
- Breakdown of cartilage
- Swelling and inflammation
- Overuse and overexertion
Some triggers, such as weather changes, stress, and illness, can also worsen joint soreness and stiffness.
Our holistic treatments target the source of your arthritis pain in Midtown, supporting your body’s natural healing abilities to reduce discomfort and improve your quality of life. Contact our local QC Kinetix (Midtown) clinic to learn more.
Arthritis Pain Treatments at QC Kinetix (Midtown)
Traditional arthritis treatments include medication to mask the pain and joint replacement surgery. Both approaches have significant risks. Medication may cause side effects, and some drugs are addictive. Surgical risks include bleeding, blood clots, infection, and unfavorable scarring. Surgery also involves an extensive recovery and rehabilitation process.
Fortunately, there are non-surgical, drug-free treatments that offer long-lasting relief without the risks, scarring, or downtime associated with surgery.
Non-Surgical Arthritis Treatment
Regenerative medicine provides a drug-free alternative to joint replacement that does not involve incisions, anesthesia, or significant downtime. These therapies work with the body to help address pain at its source. Without discomfort or downtime, you can experience relief from the soreness and stiffness of arthritis without disruption to your daily routine.
If you miss bike rides along the Arkansas River Trail or a day at the Midtown Zoo, contact QC Kinetix (Midtown) to schedule your free consultation and learn more about arthritis pain relief in Midtown.
QC Kinetix
Get Started with QC Kinetix
*Fill out the form below, and an expert will reach out to you shortly. All fields must be completed.
*Please allow 30-60 minutes of allotted time to meet with a specialist to determine if you are a candidate for our services. Exams are included and are complimentary.